Extract LinkedIn Event Attendees

Extract a list of attendees’s LinkedIn profiles from a LinkedIn event to boost your lead generation and account-based marketing.


What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Use cases involving this automation


Whether you're hosting webinars, conducting in-person events, or leveraging LinkedIn events for account-based marketing, you can enhance your lead generation by extracting a list of event participants from LinkedIn. These attendees represent potential qualified leads to engage with and follow up on post-event.

This ready-to-use automation by Captain Data, "Extract LinkedIn Event Attendees," enables users to extract attendees from a LinkedIn event page and immediately take action on their lead data for outreach, CRM integration, or CSV downloads.

This LinkedIn automation will help you to:

  • Scrape attendees' profiles from any event page.
  • Export your database of attendees in a CSV file or directly into your CRM, enhancing your LinkedIn lead generation strategies.
  • Enrich the attendees' profiles with the information you need, such as their phone numbers, emails, etc.
  • Set it to automatic and scrape event attendees daily by scheduling the automation for consistent LinkedIn automation.
  • Streamline the lead generation process by automating outreach or CRM integration.

How does this automation work?

This automation will automatically scrape a LinkedIn event page for which you are either a participant or the direct host. It will extract a list of the event's attendees' profiles and collect every piece of publicly available data, including names, current jobs, companies, education, and professional email addresses, in just four steps.

How to leverage LinkedIn event attendees data?

By scraping LinkedIn attendees profiles from an event, you can identify prospective clients and engage them with tailored marketing messages, thus expanding your business reach on LinkedIn.

Find new qualified leads

With this automation, extract data from every attendee, then scrape available and reliable information from each attendee's LinkedIn profile. You can use this extracted list of attendees for prospecting. Follow-up is important for leads; you might need additional information not available on LinkedIn, such as their email or phone number. With Captain Data, it's easy. You can add tasks to the automation to enrich your leads with any additional information you may find across different sources. Once your leads are enriched and qualified, you can automatically export them to your leads database in your CRM, CSV, and more.

Connect with attendees

After scraping and building your database with attendees' details extracted from a LinkedIn event, start building connections by utilizing our LinkedIn Auto-Connect automation. This tool allows you to connect with them even while you're asleep. You can automatically customize your message for each lead and schedule this task to repeat as often as needed at your convenience.

Outreach attendees in auto-pilot

After extracting the list of attendee profiles from a LinkedIn event, you can begin to reach out to them at scale and automatically using email or LinkedIn with our pre-built automations, such as 'Message LinkedIn Profile' or 'Add to Lead Lemlist Campaign'. Moreover, integrating a LinkedIn scraper with email marketing or CRM tools allows you to automatically send targeted email campaigns to your LinkedIn contacts. This saves time and helps maintain engagement with your network.

Why use this automation with Captain Data rather than other LinkedIn scraping tools with similar features?

Captain Data's automation to extract LinkedIn event attendees incorporates notable advanced features compared to other LinkedIn Scraper tools such as the following key features:

  • Ready-to-use workflow & easy configuration set-up.
  • Account rotation to surpass daily limits, ensuring uninterrupted workflow execution.
  • Smart account limits that prevent shadow-banning.
  • Database filters allow you to find people on LinkedIn with specific data elements such as company name, first name, job title, etc.
  • Schedule and repeat options for automated task execution.
  • Data enrichment and CRM output integration achieved through connections to various additional integrations, including CRM, Email Waterfall, Make, and more.

Now, let's take a comparative look at Captain Data and what we consider to be the top 2 LinkedIn Scraper tools to extract LinkedIn event attendees  :

Captain Data's automations most of all surpasses other similar LinkedIn scraping tools and automations by enabling complete data extraction, enrichment, and integration. Once attendees have been extracted, and enriched, you can pull the data directly into your CRM or Google Spreadsheet.

If you're looking to automate fully your lead generation, boost your marketing efforts or scale your operational processes, this automation and its advanced features make it the top choice.

Ready to automate and boost your lead generation?

1000+ companies trust Captain Data to boost their lead generation using our data automation.

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